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What is this Workshop all about

We are witnessing the power of data-driven decision-making in many different areas among which are business-related applications, health care, knowledge discovery in science, and many more. In this workshop, we focus on data science applications for crime prevention. We will show, how data from different sources, such as e.g. text data, web data, and other unstructured data can be used for crime analytics. Car theft will be among the application areas we will focus on. 

Call for Papers

Call for Papers


We acknowledge financial support by FONDEF project ID16I10222, CONICYT and the Complex Engineering Institute (ISCI), CONICYT FB0816; as well as support from Asociación de Aseguradores de Chile (AACH) and Carabineros de Chile. 

We invite original and unpublished research papers in all aspects of Data Science for Crime Analytics.


All accepted papers will be included in the Workshop Proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society Press.

At least one author of each accepted paper will have to register at the International Conference on Web Intelligence.

For more details, please check :

The workshop papers should be limited to a maximum of 4 pages in the IEEE 2-column format. The IEEE Proceedings Manuscript Formatting Guidelines can be found here

The workshop only accepts online submissions via the online submission page.

Program Comittee

Important Dates

Important Dates

SEPTEMBER 15, 2018

SEPTEMBER 30, 2018

OCTOBER 15, 2018

Submission of Workshop papers

Acceptance | non-acceptance 
of papers

Camera - Ready

Papers due



Program Committee
Program Committee

The Program Committee is responsible for the overall coordination of the scientific content of the Workshop

Cristián Bravo

Southampton Business School,

University of Southampton, UK

Fabio Crestani

Faculty of Informatics,

Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Switzerland

Ángel Jiménez

Department of Industrial Engineering,

FCFM, Universidad de Chile, Chile

Denis Parra

Department of Computer Science,

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile

Richard Weber

Department of Industrial Engineering,

FCFM, Universidad de Chile, Chile

Organizing Committee

Ángel Jiménez

Department of Industrial Engineering

FCFM, Universidad de Chile



Urban Computing Ubiquitous ComputingGestión de Procesos de Negocios UbicuosFactores Humanos en Computación Orientada a Servicios Internet de las Cosas

Richard Weber

Department of Industrial Engineering

FCFM, Universidad de Chile



Data mining
Soft computing

Contact Us

For more information, please contact us at:

Richard Weber


Ángel Jiménez

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